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Calhoun County and Northville Township Disaster Simulation Trainings

In the event of a vehicle accident, seconds can mean the difference between life and death. First responders need reliable, relevant data delivered quickly and concisely to inform their best course of action.

Our SiriusXM Connected Vehicle Services product, ACN+, digitally provides critical data such as vehicle location, vehicle data (make/model/color/year), customer data (account owner/phone), and detailed crash information to 911 and first responders through the RapidSOS emergency response data platform. This helps save valuable response time.

Of course, this data is only useful if 911 dispatchers understand its availability and how to fully utilize it. SiriusXM Connected Vehicle Services is committed to providing on-site training at 911 centers across the country to ensure ACN+ is meeting the needs of those who use it.

Most recently in Michigan, the Calhoun County and Northville Township 911 centers had the opportunity to participate in live disaster simulation training using ACN+.

Check out the video below to hear Calhoun County and Northville Township 911 dispatchers speak to the value of receiving all this data and the importance of getting it direct from the vehicle vs. relying on third-party intel from vehicles passing by the incident.